Edition Aug 9th-10th, 2019
NOI Hackathon Summer Edition

This project is composed in 3 main areas:
1. Data analisys: with the openDataHub apis we can anonumously track which trips people take the most and in which common areas they pass throught.
2. Elaborating the data of point 1 we can analyze patterns in the ways people move in Sutirol. Throught an app we show the best trips to take and let the user plan a trip toghether with other people with the same interests. A nice opportunity!
3. Hotels can integrate in their websites a beautyful widget that show the best trips from their location. They can also provide inside the hotel a totem with this widget to make their experience in Sudtirol more valuable, since it encourages and socializing sharing their experiences with new people.
Try our app and our web component!
You'll find them here: https://github.com/bertomaa/repo_noi