Edition Nov 15th-16th, 2019

NOI Hackathon SFScon Edition

Sharing is Caring

Sharing is Caring

Car sharing and bike sharing are sustainable transportations that actually work in southtirol, but do tourists know?

We made a web component easy to integrate in every 'directions' page of hotels, restaurants, organizations, and so on.. 
For example i'm a tourist navigating the website of an hotel i think might be good for me and so i look for informations about to get there. https://demo-hotel-hackbz.netlify.com/

As i go there i notice that car sharing and bike sharing are there so i could arrive by train and fill the gap between the hotel and station by car sharing. 
I also see how much carbon i save!
Southtirol just earned a new tourist moving without a car.

Car sharing and bike sharing is caring about the environment. Care also by sharing web components!
